This is a retro post because i realized i had a bunch of baked goods photos from Christmas 2010 that i didn't put up so here in the future year of 2012 i am going to post them. Christmas is when i go nuts with baking things (and eating them) and this time i made the handmade basic bread recipe from The River Cottage Bread Handbook, along with some bagels from the same book, and trying new nut flours for french macarons - i think i made cashew, pistachio, and hazelnut - using the recipe from my beloved Syrup & Tang. This is before i knew how to make italian meringue buttercream so the macarons were half unfilled (because there were just so many and they were fine to snack on as is) and then the other half had regular buttercream. I think this is also the year i made World Peace Cookies and Blueberry and Cream Cookies, but sadly there are no photos of these. I did however eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for about a week straight though so they were definitely a success.

Hazelnut macarons, setting, getting their sheen on

Pistachio macarons, setting

more hazelnut

finished pistachio macarons

finished hazelnut

i think these are more pistachio

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